On this website you'll find a variety of
applications which will help you numerically solve mathematical problems. Some
you can use indefinitely, others can be tried in their full functionality for 30
days without registering. If you love or needmathematics, feel free to
download as many as you wish and try them out.
Our hope is to make a contributionto the
enjoyment of mathematics through this website. To this end we are posting here
Solutions, which consists of 8
collections of mathematical programs. Please
feel free to
download them.
The Mathematical Software section describes
the collections of Numerical Solutions and links to each individual collection's
for more detailed descriptions of each program and for downloading the applications.
The Numerical Methods section
briefly discusses some of the methods of numerical
mathematics used in the programs downloadable from this website.
Numerical Mathematics is the branch of
mathematics that develops, analyzes, and applies methods to compute with finite-precision numbers.
Numerical mathematics
is a vast field whose importance cannot be over-emphasized.
The solution of real-life problems quite often can't be achieved without
resorting to the methods of numerical mathematics.